English grammar

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English grammar

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 it considers of the key and skeleton and backbone of a language.

 The study of rule of regulation of a language it is called grammar.

The key of a language it is called grammar.

The skeleton of a language ...

The backbone of a language...



The source of communication through which we other.

The source of communication.


The exchange of an idea.

Ø  Communication: mean talking speaking conversation

Ø  Communication skill: Are those skill which we talk each other.


Ø  A unit that completes that language is called skill.

communication skill are two types:

Ø  Communication skill : Are those skill through which we communication.

Skill : Are those skill that make a language correct.

Corrective skill are seven Skill :         speaking, reading, listing, writing, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation.



Grammar deals with "8" components of a language:

1)      Syntax: The study of structure.

2)      Semantic: The study of meaning.

3)      Phonology: The study of sounds system.

4)      The word phonology is composed of two parts.

Phono _ _ _sound     Logy ----- study

5)      Morphology: The study of word formation.

6)      Orthography: The study of spelling.

7)      Prosody: The study of stress and intonation.

8)      Etymology: The study of history. If I say…. Judo. Japen Tens … Latin, Tempus ,,time.

9)      Pragmatic: It is the hidden meaning an area that is effect by that language.

            Terminologies  of   Grammar

1)     Subject:  Can be the doer of an action. Example.   You are listening

                 To whom we talk about in a sentence.  Ex He is a teacher.

2)      Object:   The receiver of an action.       Ex     play cricket.

3)      Complement:     Complete sentence.

                          A group of words that complete meaning of a sentence.   Ex   I go to school.

4)       Predicate: Whatever comes after the subject is called predicate. Ex   I go to school.


WORD :  A group of letters that combine together and give us complete meaning.

             Ex    Table chairs books mobile spoon keyboard glass water milk etc.


                                                   Types of word

1)      Lexical word

2)      Grammatical word

3)      De lexical word


1.      Lexical words     mean     ( Dictionary word )

Are those word that have dictionary meaning but don’t need explanation.   Ex    book, chair, mobile .

2.     Grammatical words

Are those word that don’t have dictionary meaning but need explanation.   Ex   Noun, Adjective, Adverb.

3.     De lexical words

Are those word that the meaning is changed from is dictionary meaning.  Ex    Bird watching, I am your husband,,,,mean   I am fine   Top dog,,,,   success full person.


Ø  Phrase:   Incomplete sentence.

              A group of word that don’t have a subject and verb and don’t give complete meaning.

Ex    In the morning. A beautiful dream. On the table.

Ø  Sentence: A group of word that have subject and verb but always give complete meaning and logical meaning.  Ex      she goes to school.

Note : Every sentence can be  a clause but clause can’t be a sentence.

Clause: A group of words that have a subject and verb but usually give complete meaning. Ex  I learn English 

                                                Types   of   Clauses

1)      Dependent clause

2)      Independent clause


1.      Dependent clause:    It’s a types of that can’t stand alone to give complete meaning.

Ex   if I study hard.     Ex    if I were a give.

2       Independent clause:    It’s a types of that of clause that can stand alone to give complete meaning.

Ex     I would marry you.    Ex   I will get first position.

                                  Parts of speech

     The parts of speech is composed of two parts.

Parts :>  means     Section ,Portions, segment.

Speech :> means  Talking, Conversation, speaking.

Def :    The combination of grammatical words give special meaning.

               Parts of speech is Eight 8 in numbers.

                                   Types of parts of speech

1)     Open Clause word :  Are those word in which we can add are subtract something.

Ex   Beauty ----   Beautiful

Are those word that accept suffix  or prefixes  

     They can change into one another new word are derived, Noun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb.

  They are unlimited

2)     Close clause word : Are those word in which we can not add or detect something.

Are those word that can’t take suffix or prefixes.

They can not change into one another.  They are limited.

Ex  Preposition  Pronoun  Conjunction   Interjection. Ex   He, in, wow, but.


                                Parts of speech

Noun :   it is taken from Latin word (Numen) a naming word.

It is a naming word.

Noun :  Noun is name of person place thing animal idea quality quantity title and profession.

Person :    , Bilal, Gulwali, Shahwali, , Gul,

Things  :    Table, books, pen, Cup

Place   :      Peshawar, Karachi

Animal :     Cat, Dog, Hen

Idea      :   Badness Goodness

Quality :   Beautiful etc.

            Quantity     Kilo, Pound, etc.

              Title     :     Quaid-e-Azam

              Profession    Student, Teacher

Note :  Anything that you can see touch feel, hear, smell, drink, and etc.

                                                 ROOTS OF NOUNS

1)      Cases of Noun.

2)     Types of Nouns.

3)     Number of Noun.

4)     Forms of Noun.

5)     Genders of Noun.


                                   Case of Noun

1)         Subjective Case:       Nominative Case

   In this case a noun is used before the main verb.

Ex    Ahmad watches Tv.      Ex      The class is hot.   Ex   goes to hospital.

2)       Objective Case

In this case a noun is used after the main verb. Ex I know .  Ex   I play cricket.


3)     Oblique Case

In this case a noun is used after the preposition.    Ex    I go to school.


4)     Subjective Complement /Complement of to be

In this case a noun is used after to be verbs. Ex He is a teacher.

Note : A noun is used after to be verb , it will be a complement.

5)     Possessive Case :     In this case a noun is used with (‘s or s’) to show ownership.

Ex  This is ’s car.

                                     Usage of (‘S) or (S’)

1)       ‘S     it is used with singular regular and irregular nouns. Ex   Boy’s  Hostel   Man’s Car

2)     With irregular plural nouns.  Ex   Children’s school   Women’s  dress

3)     With family names.    Afridi’s hujra  Safi’s  hostal.

S’    With  plural regular nouns.   Teacher S’ room


                                    Types of possessive case

1)     Joint Possessive Case

2)     Separate Possessive Case


(1)      Joint Possessive Case  

              We will use (‘S) or (S’) with the second noun. Ex This is Bilal and ’s car.


(2)    Separate Possessive Case

           We will use (‘S) or (S’) with both noun.  Ex These are Bilal’s and Atif ‘s cars.


6)     Dative Case :   In this case a noun is used as an indirect object of the verb.

                    Ex  I make a tea for .    I bought a car for Bilal.


7)     Vocative Case :  In this case a noun is used before or after the imperative sentence.          In this case a noun is articulated by the speaker in a sentence.                                                 Umar get out      Imperative sentence      Get out Umar       Direct vocative


8)     Accompaniment Case :  In this case a noun is used after an adjective that we called Accompaniment.  Ex  She is pretty girl.  Smart boy    wonderful pitcher


9)     Appositive Case :  In this case a noun is before or after another noun to modify that noun.

    Structure    Appositive + Noun

                         Noun + Appositive

10)    As a part of verbal :   In this case a noun is used after gerund or infinitive.

Verb + Ing  =    Activity show verb. Ex  Swimming is good

To + verb  =     Purpose  show. Ex  I go to Excel to learn English.    I want to buy a car.


11)    Objective Complement :   In this case a noun is used after an direct after an direct.

We select Imran an out leader.





                                     Types of Noun

1)     Proper Noun :   A noun that refer to a specific person place or thing.

It is the noun of a specific person place thing.

Name:   Ahmad watch T.V.

 Place:   Peshawar.

Thing :   Holy Quran.


2)     Common Noun :  A noun that refer to a common person place thing

       Name:  Boy  Girl 

       Place:   City

       Thing:   Pen  Book etc.


3)     Collective Noun : Are those noun that are singular in form but plural in meaning.

Army  Team  Family   Nation

                   Note:  Collective noun can take singular or plural verb with difference meaning.

                                     My family is in Peshawar. My family are in Peshawar.

                    Difference b/w proper and common don’t take an article noun take article and  

                          Number or number.

4)         Abstract Noun:   Are those noun that can’t be touched or seen.

                   Pain, love, hate, etc.

5)     Concrete Noun: Are those noun that can be seen or touched.

                  Chair, pen, wall, glass, marker.

6)     0Material Case:  Are those noun from which we form other substance.

                        Wood, plastic, etc.

A material noun is the name of a thing that used to make other things

                          Gold, Silver

7)     Verbal Noun:   They are form of verb but act as a noun.  Watching, Dancing etc.


8)     Compound  Noun: Are those noun that are formed form two words

                                        Bus-driver  Class- mate  Lip-stick  butter- fly 

              Compound noun which is made up of two or more words is called compound noun.





                          FORMATION OF COMPUND NOUN

1)     Noun + Noun     :         In this formation compound noun is made of two simple noun.

                                      Class + Teacher

2)     Noun + Gerund:        In this formation compound noun is used made of one simple noun

                                        and verbal noun.    Living room working condition

3)     Gerund + Noun:         In this formation compound noun is made of one a verbal noun

                                      One simple noun. Dining Room Living room.

4)     Preposition +Noun:   In this formation compound noun is made of a preposition and verb.

                                        Income   Out comes

5)     Verb + Preposition:   In this formation compound noun is made of a verb and preposition.

                                       Take away

6)     Noun + Adjective:     In this formation compound noun is made of a simple noun and

                                     Adjective.    Truck full      break fast

7)     Adjective + Noun:     In this formation compound noun is made of an adjective and a

                                     Simple noun.    Sweet heart gentleman etc.

8)     Noun + Preposition +Noun: In this formation Compound noun is made of a simple noun

                                                Preposition and a simple noun.

                                             Brother-in-law    Mother-In-Law

9)     Noun + Verb + (N+ verb Ing):  In this formation compound noun is made of a and a

                                                        Simple noun. Hair cut   Fruit packing.

10)   Verb + Noun: In this formation compound noun is made of verb + Noun.  Washroom

11)    Preposition:  In this formation compound is made of a preposition and a simple noun.

                                       Afternoon   underworld   


                                               KIND OF COMPOUND NOUN

1)     Open Compound Noun.

2)     Close Compound Noun.

3)     Hyphenated Compound Noun.


1)     Open Compound Noun.


                  Are those Compound noun which are spelled an two words.      OR

                  Are those nouns which have space b/w two word. Class teacher   Bus driver

  Note:   If a compound noun is made of two noun the fist noun will function as an adjective.


2)     Close Compound Noun.

             Are those word which are spelled an one word. OR Are those noun which don’t have a-

               Space b/w two word.          Washroom  Playground


3)     Hyphenated Compound Noun.


                    Are those noun which have hyphen / hyphens b/w the word.

                     Fruit – packing  brother – Law


                                           NUMBER OF NOUN

1)      Singular Noun:     Are those noun that agree with a singular verb in a sentence. Or

                            Are those noun that refer to a singular person place or thing. Ex boy pen city etc.

2)      Plural Noun:         Are those noun that agree with a plural verb in a sentence. OR

                             Are those noun that refer to plural people place or things.  Ex Boys Girls Cities.

3)      Regular Noun:    Are those noun that take (s,es,ies,ves,)  while changing from singular into plural.











Ø        Rules of adding (s,es,ies,ves) with a noun.

Es: A noun ends with (sh,ch,ss,o,x) add ``es`` at the end.

           Dish-Dishes          Match—Matches   Class—Classes

IES:  A noun ends with consonant `y` into `I` and add es at the end.

            Dictionary-Dictionaries   City-Cities

NOTE:    A noun ends with vowel Y` don’t change ‘Y’ into ‘I’ just add ‘s’ at the end

                 Toy—Toys Boy—Boys Key—Keys

VES:       A noun ends with ‘f’ fe’ change ‘f’fe’ into ‘v’ and add ‘es’ at the end.

                   Leaf—Leaves Wife—Wives

S:          A Noun ends with p, n, m   add ‘s’ at the end. Pen-pen chair-chairs

4)     Irregular Noun:   Are those noun that don’t take (s,es,ies,ves) while change from singular

                             Into plural.  Ex Person—people    Man—men    Child—children


                                      FORM OF NOUN

1)     Count Noun _---_ Countable Noun

Are those noun that can be counted. Ex chairs boys etc.

2)     Noun – Count Noun ----- Noun Countable Noun

Are those noun that can’t be counted. Ex water oil etc.

3)     Massive Noun:

                        Are those noun that can be difficult to count. Hair, Sugar, etc.

                                  GENDER OF NOUN

1)     Masculine Gender:  It refer to male living being. Ex Boy, father, son, etc.

2)     Feminine Gender:  It refer to female living being. Ex Mother, sister, wife, etc.

3)     Common Gender:  It refer to both male and female living being. Ex student teacher.

4)     Neuter Gender:  It refer to neither male nor female living being. Ex Chair, pen, etc.


1                                          Pronoun

 The word is taken from a Latin word pronoun which mean instead of a noun. OR

Pronoun is used in place of a noun to avoid its repetition in a sentence.

Ø  The word pronoun is composed two words.

Pro =   mean     instead in place

Noun = mean    name

Ex     is a boy    HE is a good boy.

 Note:    Sometime pronoun is used an antecedent it is used before a noun.

             Ex     She is sara.     He is .


                                                TYPES OF PRONOUNS

1)     Subjective Pronoun:   Are those Pronoun that are used in place of subject noun. OR

        Are those Pronoun that are used before the main verb.

Subjective pronoun are seven in number.

He, She, It, They, I, You, We,

Note:     In English grammar subject pronoun refer to three people.

1)     First person pronoun.

2)     Second person pronoun.

3)     Third person pronoun.


1)     First person pronoun:     It refer to speaker. They are two in numbers.

                                            I, We.

Ex   I am a teacher      We are family

2)     Second person pronoun:   It refer to listen.  It is one in number.   You

                  Ex    you are a boy.

3)     Third person pronoun:  Are those Pronoun that refer to whom we talk about.

They are four in number.    He, She, It, They.  


2)     Object Pronoun: A pronoun is used after the main verb is called object Pronoun.

       They are seven numbers.

Subject Pronoun                                             Object Pronoun

I, He, She, It, They, You, We.                 Me, Him, Her, It, Them, You, Us.

Note:     Object Pronoun can be used after the preposition. Ex she goes with us


3)     Possessive Pronoun:   Are those Pronoun which are used to show possession.

                      They are seven in number.

Subjective Pronoun                    Objective Pronoun                      Possessive Pronoun

I                                                          Me                                               Mine

He                                                      Him                                               His

She                                                     Her                                                Her

You                                                     You                                                Yours

They                                                   Them                                            Their

We                                                      Us                                                   Ours


Note:    Possessive Pronoun can be used before or after the verb.

Note:   possessive pronoun are used in place of Possessive adjective and a noun.

        Ex      This is my car.  This is mine.


4)     Demonstrative Pronoun:    Are those pronouns that are used to point out a person, place, or thing that is near or for away from the speaker.

    They are four in number.     This,    That,   These,   There.

This:   This is used to point out a person, place or thing this is near to the speaker.

             This is a boy.   This is a car.

That:   That is used to point out a person, place or thing that is far away from the

           Speaker.  Ex That is a car.     That is a boy.

These:   These is a demonstrative pronoun that is used to point plural people place

             Or thing that is near to the speaker.

                Ex These are my students.

5)     Reflexive Pronoun:    Are those Pronoun in which the subject and object of the sente-

                                    Ce in the same person.

Are those Pronoun which turn back to the subject.

They are seven in numbers.

Myself, Yourself, Themselves, Itself, Herself, Himself, Ourself.

I saw myself in the mirror.


6)     Distributive pronoun:   Are those Pronoun that are used to replace a noun individually

                                        Each, every, either, neither, etc.

 Ex    I have two cars, each is expensive. I have brother, every is intelligent.


7)     Reciprocal Pronoun:  Are those Pronoun which are used to replace noun mutually.

Such as:   Each other, Every other, one another.

Ex   The student are talking with one another.


8)     Interrogative Pronoun:  Are those Pronoun which are used to ask about Pronoun.

         Such as: Whose, Which, and what.

Ex    Which is expensive?

9)     Direct Object Pronoun:  Are those Pronoun which are used in place of direct object.

   Ex I play it       I know him.


10)  Indirect Object Pronoun:  Are those Pronoun which are used in place of indirect

   Object. Ex I bought a gift for him.


11)  Indefinite Pronoun:  Are those Pronoun that are used instead of indefinite person,

                          place or thing.

These are indefinite Pronouns.


Person                                                Place                                           Thing


(+) Someone somebody           Somewhere                                  Something

(-) Anyone                                  Anywhere                                     Any thing

(?) Any body                               

(All) Every one                        Everywhere                                      Everything

(Short) No one                        Nowhere                                            Nothing

(Answer) No body


Note:   The word “Some” is used in (+) sentence

Ø  “Some” doesn’t show exact number.       I have some student.

Ø  The word “any” is used in (-) or (?)        I don’t have any boys.

Ø  “Any” show zero number.      There aren’t any student.


The word “No” is used in Positive sentence but give negative meaning.    I have no money


12)  Relative Pronoun:  Are those Pronoun that are used to connect noun or Pronoun with

                                 An adjective clause.     I know a man who live in landon.


1)     Simple Relative pronoun.

2)     Compound Relative Pronoun.


1)     Simple Relative Pronoun: Are those Pronoun which have one word.

    Such as: Who, What, When.

I know a girl who studies at Ela.

2)     Compound Relative Pronoun: Are those Pronoun that have two words.

         Such as: However, Whatever, Where, etc.

I did whatever you said.


13)  Dummy Pronoun:  It is type of pronoun in which a verb argument is nonexistent.

             Dummy it

It is firstly used in sentence pertaining to time or weather.

Ex What time is it?   It’s five o’clock.  It is time to learn.

It is secondly used dummy object in indefinite construction to refer general things.


14)  Generic Pronoun: One, You, We and they are generic personal Pronoun.


We can use one you we and they to refer to people in general

We can use “one” you or we when we are making generalization and not referring 

 To any one person in specific.

One/you/we can use the internet with out understanding cookies.

You usually need a rain coat in Ireland.


                  ONE: One is much.

Formal than you and we are in speaking.

One would have thought that agreement could be reached easily on the matter.

They:  We can use they to talk about a wide group of people.

Such as an authority or an institution

Ex They started running Vega class at the school.


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